Educational Programs
Theatre as a Tool for Learning
HFI’s free educational programming opens young minds to the possibilities of the performing arts, cultivating a love for theater and building new generations of arts enthusiasts. HFI programs enhance students’ skill and interest in performing arts and make learning fun with a tie to mandatory state curriculum. We are working to build new generations of arts enthusiasts.

Encouraging Collaboration
HFI programs help students enhance life skills, build teamwork and public speaking skills and respect and kindness are emphasized as we work to build confidence in the young people we serve.

Spotlighting Careers
HFI programs introduce achievable industry career options to students that they would not otherwise know about. In addition to the performers, we teach young people about sound and lights, costuming, stage management and more. Several HFI students have been hired and work here now.
The Forest Park Family wishes to extend gratitude for providing our school with a wonderful Hamilton experience. Our English II students, who were beginning a unit on Hamilton, were able to see the show and participate in a post-show zoom meeting with cast members. This experience had a profound impact on their interest in and understanding of the unit, which culminated in them using primary and secondary source materials to write their own songs about Founding Era figures, modeling Lin-Manuel’s creative process.
Caitlin Bell
English Dept. Chair, Forest Park High School