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Interior of a theater with empty tiered seating, ornate ceiling, and a large chandelier.
About HFI

HFI Board Members

The Hippodrome Foundation’s Board is made up of local artists, leaders, and visionaries committed to carrying out HFI’s mission — inspiring Maryland students and communities through the performing arts.
Walter D. Pinkard, Jr., Chair Melissa O. Martinez, Esq.
Arthur F. Bell, Jr. Neil M. Meltzer
Keith Campbell Robert G. Merrick, III
Michael E. Cryor Phylicia Porter
Herbert D. Frerichs, Jr. Esq. Thomas Regnante
Denise Galambos J. Michael Riley
Jonathan M. Glenn, Esq. Kurt Schmoke
Donald Hicken Zachary D. Shankman, Esq.
Dr. Bruce E. Jarrell Nichole Baccala Ward
Anthony L. Jenkins, Ph.D. Dennis H. Weinman

Serving on the Hippodrome Foundation (HFI) Board — making the performing arts accessible for Baltimore children — has been an honor that hits home. I came to the United States years ago as a young person not knowing the English language. I joined the drama club in Middle School, and it helped immensely. The theater program helped me to develop language and presentation skills and gave me confidence that helped me develop into the attorney I am today. HFI makes free performing arts programs possible for students who might otherwise not be able to participate. The HFI Board works to “raise the curtain on opportunity for young people.” I invite you to support us as we work to make a difference in Baltimore.

Melissa Martinez

Partner, McGuire Woods